The other day I heard about a great mouth guard via my favorite social network. I decided to try it out.
I know, you're probably thinking "Where's the new mouth guard?" I'm wearing it! It's thin, comfortable, I can speak clearly and drink easily. There is no need for a strap because I just keep it in the whole time! The package also claims that it is 30% stronger than conventional guards and that germs from your hands won't stick to it. It was extremely easy to shape to my mouth, especially while looking in the mirror. The Protech Dent Mouth Guard is the only mouth guard for me from here on out. A two pack sells for $39.99 and it's worth every penny. You can get yours at**Full Disclosure: I was given a 2 pack Protech Mouth Guard to review for this post. It did not affect my opinion of this product.
**Also, if you are my friend and you wear the 1st kind of mouth guard, I do not think you are a geek. Don't be offended!