Thursday, March 19, 2009

Once upon a time...

...a boy named Steve went skiing every week in the winter. He had big muscles, lots of energy and the ability to fall with out breaking or spraining anything. There was also a girl named Deidra, who learned to snowboard and hardly felt the bruises on top of her bruises which she acquired after falling all day.

Then they got old. Steve ran out of free time and money to blow.

Deidra began to realize how cold it was and how much work it was.

Then one day they decided "We will NOT be old and boring! We WILL enjoy the beauty of the mountains! We WON'T break any bones!"

So up the mountain they went, and it was glorious, invigorating, and beautiful. It was perfect. And they lived happily ever after.


Salty Incisor said...

I loved it!!! That was a great explanation and cute photos. So tell me when you and Steve were just friends before did he really secretly love you the whole time. Remember ERics Jerky roommate. Well he built our house and he is still single!!

Deidra said...

He secretly loved me off and on!

SalGal said...

What a cute story! p.s. "Old" is not in my vocabulary as it relates to me.

Stacy said...

I am glad that the story had a happy ending! I was getting worried that it ended with broken bones.

Jodi said...

Save those photos. Show them to Zack when you are trying to talk him into believing you really were cool at some point in your life.

I have no skiing ability. Last time I went my tips got stuck in the snowbank at the end of the ski lift throwing me out with the lift hitting me in the back of the head. IDIOT! I shouldn't even be allowed to live in Utah.

Myranda, Shaun and Anna said...

Awesome!! Shaun would say that you are hitting your second wind. I feel the same as you did though... a lot of work and too much money. But once you're up there it really is fun.

Unknown said...

Deid, I am jealous. I haven't been skiing in probably 13 years! I want to go EVERY year! Now it is harder because we aren't super close to a ski resort and have no babysitters. ONE DAY I AM GOING!!!!! Hopefully I will have a good experience back like you did.

I really miss YOU! I need to come to Utah and we could chat, have a dinner party, let our kids play and on and on!

Tell Steve hi too. Love, Ang

P.S. I told Dallin the other day about how we used to play detectives and we thought Adrienne Terry had a sister. I told him we would leave messages in the "B" and then call each others houses and let the phone ring only once to know there was a message waiting. He loved it. He wants to be a spy!

Samantha said...

Love it!

LindseyFae* said...

Jealous. Next time you guys go, call me. Or if there's a day you want to sky, let's get someone to watch the kids and use my family's passes to Alta. I'm serious. All of my adventurous friends aren't so adventurous anymore. :( Will you be my adventurous friend?

BRoss said...

I am late to this post, but I remember that "ski everyday" Steve. He used to hang out with "Exercise often Brandon". I am glad to see at least one of those people is not dead.